There is alot of condensation at the top of the lid, and the sides. The beans we planted are still not grown very big. I think it's because they are not getting enough light. They need more light and water.
There is alot of condensation at the top and sides of the ecosystem. The plants are producing lots of Co2 wich is good, but the animals aren't getting enough oxygen.
Today we measured the temperature and O2 and Co2 inside our ecosystem. We sealed it off i saw grass and the beans we planted were
More grass has grown in our ecosystem. We examined our stuff.The banana peel is breaking down into the soil. It's providing nutrients to the soil. That helps the worms.
We put a banana peel in our ecosystem it gives potassium to the soil and gives food to insects. There is grass growing and the airplane plants are bigger.
Made a food web about our ecosystem its under flow of matter and energy. I found out that our tree frog changes colors in water. I planted an airplane plant in our ecosystem
I Made a food chain for our ecosystem. We have a frog in there now and some crickets. I am not sure,but i think it's a tree frog.
We now have bugs, water, and plants in our ecosystem. We need more light so that our plants will now start to grow.

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